6 Simple Ideas to Make Your Art Practice Greener

6 Simple Ideas to Make Your Art Practice Greener

Eco-friendly tips for earth conscious art making!

As artists and good global citizens, we recognize the growing need to do what we can in order protect our planet's natural resources. There are many ways that you could go about doing this; one idea might be using sustainable materials or recycling old ones when creating new pieces of work - these will not only help save trees but also reduce greenhouse gases.

Eco-friendly tips for earth conscious art making!

1: Embrace natural light.

You can embrace natural light by taking advantage of daylight hours to paint with the sun's rays coming through your windows. It'll reduce energy consumption and help save you money on electricity while also helping out our environment! When it comes time for lighting, consider using CFL ( captives ) or LED bulbs - they're more environmentally friendly options that work just as well at illuminating art supplies in confusion darkness .

2: Properly dispose of materials

Never pour hazardous materials down the drain or throw them away in any garbage bin. The wrong way of disposal can lead to contamination and harmful environmental effects, so be sure that you use an appropriate container for your art supplies before taking it out into public spaces where there are recycling facilities available!

3: Go digital.

By converting to digital, you can save paper and still get your favorite magazine or newspaper. I used to have a print version of each delivered right at my doorstep but then realized that this was creating unnecessary waste so now more than half the time they are available on an app for either phone/computer reading convenience! The more print on demand, the better! This is a great way to be sustainable and never have an overstock of your products again.

Eco-friendly tips for earth conscious art making!

4: Donate and reuse.

Consider giving away or recycling any materials that you no longer need. You can also donate your unwanted artwork to a nonprofit organization who will programs with it in order for kids across the city have access art opportunities!

Consider reusing old canvas and boards. The masters always recycled their artwork in some way, after all!

5: Read labels.

When possible, buy environmentally friendly art materials. You can take advantage of any nontoxic alternatives and eco-friendly options like biodegradable or compostable paper towels to reduce waste in landfills while maintaining cleanliness on your end!

The ACMI seal of approval means that a product has been certified to be non-toxic, which makes it perfect for artists and creatives.

6: Buy local.

Buying from local art suppliers not only supports your favorite artists but also helps the environment by reducing long-haul and overseas deliveries, cutting down on fuel consumption. For supplies that must be ordered choose packaging options so you can limit how many packages are shipped at once while supporting environmentally friendly companies!


Artists and makers have always been some of the most innovative people when it comes to conserving resources. There are so many ways we can be eco-friendly in our work, from using sustainable materials to powering our endeavors with solar energy. I’ve outlined a few ideas here, but there are plenty more out there. So get creative! If we all make a concerted effort to reduce our environmental impact as artists, we can help make a real difference in the world.

Do you want to learn more about eco-friendly packaging options and other sustainable practices for Artists & Makers? Check out this blog post to discover how to reduce your environmental impact while still making a professional impression! From biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable materials to tips on how to reuse packaging materials, this post has something for everyone looking for ways to make their crafts more sustainable.


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